Time Capsule---
Lindsey Grace Blackmore
- is 9 months old
- is walking/learning to walk
- has 4 teeth and a few stubborn ones coming
- still does not sleep through the night but is getting better
- says Mom, Dad, Hi and Buba
- likes the animal play set Mikey gave her for Christmas
- is starting to dance, clap and wave
- loves when dad comes home
- can brighten the world with her smile
- enjoys feeding herself
- can seem quite mischievous
-weighs about 17lbs.
Michael James Blackmore
- is 4 years old
- loves pre-school
- his teacher is Mrs. Baldwin
- wants to learn to ride a bike
- wants to learn to skate
- is a big helper
- loves transformers
- is learning to read and very good for his age
-has the first Article of Faith memorized and working on the second
- weighs about 40 lbs.
Mom Krista Lyn Blackmore
- is 26 years old
- weighs 130ish
- stay at home mom
- 2 kids
- likes reading to my kids
- is the nursery leader
- learning to keep house
Dad Michael Douglas Blackmore
- is 27 years old
- works at Advantage oil and gas
- is 2nd counselor in YM presidency
- plays hockey
-Helping Mikey learn to ride a bike
- just started MB Contracting Services Ltd.
- Just bought the blue truck
Lindsey Then-2015
- will be 5 years old
- will be in kindergarten
- she might have hair
- probably still have a mischievous side
- enjoying primary
- learning new and exciting things
Mikey Then-2015
-will be 9 years old
- will be in grade 4
- will be baptized
-will be in cub scouts
- hopes to be playing Hockey
- still a big helper
- still be good to Lindsey
- might take piano
Mom Then-2015
-will be 31 years old
- which means have surpassed the big 3-0
- may have 1 or 2 more kids
- hope still at a healthy weight
- hope to have learned to play piano
- doing her chores
- have more grey and wrinkles
Dad Then-2015
- will be 32 years old
- still working hard
- still working at Advantage
- pooped
- all grey and old
-still wonderful
Currently in 2010
Stephen Harper is Prime Minister
Gas is $.90/liter
Milk is about $4.19/4 Litres
The us exchange rate is about $.97 on the dollar
Mike predicts that in 5 years China will rule the world.
Krista thinks that in five years things will be different but we will all still find happiness in living the gospel.
That is a fun idea to put on your blog. Wow! Mikey weighs more than you?!?! =p
That's such a cute idea! I love it!
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